Life's a Journey, You Hold the Key image

Life's a Journey, You Hold the Key

$9,377 raised

$500,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Journey, A Learn & Earn Program to help our families!

One of our biggest hurdles in working with homeless families is job readiness.Many times a young dad or mom will find a job just to lose it in a few days or weeks.This causes confusion, depression and hopelessness. When asked why they were let go, most of them aren’t really sure.This makes for a difficult situation in assisting our residents in how to be a good employee and how to handle themselves on the job.Finding employment for the homeless is the first step in home recovery and sustainability.My Father’s House goal is to provide housing alongside a job training center.This addresses not only their homelessness but also their need for job skills in order for them to come to a place where they can achieve success.